在安大略Elgin附近15号公路的滚轮撞车事故中,妇女受重伤。 Woman seriously injured in rollover crash on Highway 15 near Elgin, Ontario.
Carleton Place的一位63岁的妇女因Elgin附近15号公路的翻滚坠毁而受重伤,她26岁的乘客受轻伤。 A 63-year-old woman from Carleton Place was seriously injured in a rollover crash on Highway 15 near Elgin, with her 26-year-old passenger sustaining minor injuries. 安大略省警察局正在调查导致布什路和琼斯瀑布路之间15号公路暂时关闭的单一车辆事故原因。 The Ontario Provincial Police are investigating the cause of the single-vehicle accident, which led to the temporary closure of Highway 15 between Bush Road and Jones Falls Road. 警方正在向证人和有破碎摄像头录像的人寻求信息,以帮助他们进行调查。 Police are seeking information from witnesses and those with dashcam footage to help with their investigation.