在爱荷华州杜布克县的20号公路发生翻滚事故,造成1人死亡,3人受伤。 A rollover crash on Highway 20 in Dubuque County, Iowa, resulted in one death and three injuries.
周六早些时候, 爱荷华州杜布克县哈特贝克路附近的20号高速公路发生了一起翻车事故, A rollover crash occurred on Highway 20 near Hartbecke Road in Dubuque County, Iowa, early Saturday, resulting in one fatality and three injuries. 车辆向西行驶,失去控制,翻转。 The vehicle, traveling westbound, lost control and rolled over. 司机和另外两名乘客被送往医院治疗重伤和轻伤。 The driver and two other passengers were taken to the hospital for treatment of serious and minor injuries. 当局正在调查这起事故。 Authorities are investigating the accident.