随着 2016 年 OCC 销售做法同意令结束,富国银行股价上涨 5%,这是自 2019 年以来第六次终止。 Wells Fargo shares rise 5% as the 2016 OCC sales practices consent order ends, marking the 6th terminated since 2019.
富国银行确认 2016 年 OCC 销售行为同意令结束后,该行股价飙升 5% 以上。 Wells Fargo shares experience a surge of over 5% after the bank confirmed that the 2016 OCC sales practices consent order has come to an end. 该命令是由于围绕该银行销售行为的丑闻而启动的,也是自 2019 年以来监管机构为富国银行终止的第六份同意令。 This order was initiated due to a scandal surrounding the bank's sales practices and represents the sixth consent order to be terminated by regulators for Wells Fargo since 2019. 自 2019 年起担任首席执行官的查理·沙夫 (Charlie Scharf) 强调,这些订单的结束标志着该银行复苏进程取得了进展。 CEO Charlie Scharf, who has been in his position since 2019, emphasized that the closure of these orders signifies progress in the bank's recovery process.