垃圾卡车向Calle Real灭火;司机向消防员倾弃物品。 Garbage truck fire on Calle Real extinguished; driver dumped contents to aid firefighters.
一辆垃圾车于周二下午在圣芭芭拉附近的Calle Real发生火灾。 A garbage truck caught fire on Tuesday afternoon on Calle Real near Santa Barbara. 司机将卡车的内装物清空到公路上,帮助消防员扑灭火焰。 The driver emptied the truck's contents onto the road to help firefighters extinguish the flames. 圣巴巴拉县消防局作出反应,并在下午2时30分成功扑灭了火灾。 没有人员伤亡的报告,MarBorg工业后来清理了现场。 The Santa Barbara County Fire Department responded and successfully put out the fire by 2:30 p.m. No injuries were reported, and MarBorg Industries later cleaned up the site. 火灾的起因正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.