V-22 Osprey限制飞行的新安全准则,因变速箱缺陷在近乎崩溃后飞行。 New safety guidelines for the V-22 Osprey limit flights due to gearbox defects, following a near-crash.
美国军方在新墨西哥州发生近乎坠毁事件后为V-22 Osprey飞机引入了新的安全准则, The US military has introduced new safety guidelines for the V-22 Osprey aircraft following a near-crash incident in New Mexico, similar to issues in a fatal crash in Japan last year. 新的规则限制Ospreys的飞行,由于金属缺陷,规定了某些变速箱飞行小时。 The new rules restrict flights for Ospreys with certain gearbox flight hours due to metal defects. 在对飞机可靠性的担忧下,这些措施旨在加强安全,因为自2007年以来,飞机已卷入21起重大事故。 These measures aim to enhance safety amid concerns over the aircraft's reliability, as it has been involved in over 21 major accidents since 2007. 军队将继续检查和监测变速箱,直到可以更换为止,预计这一过程需要数年时间。 The military will continue to inspect and monitor the gearboxes until replacements can be made, a process expected to take years.