日本的V-22奥斯佩里舰队在10月因飞行员出错而发生起飞事件后恢复飞行。 Japan's V-22 Osprey fleet resumes flights after a takeoff incident due to pilot error in October.
日本的V-22 Osprey机队在10月发生试飞错误后停飞,恢复了业务。 Japan's V-22 Osprey aircraft fleet has resumed operations after being grounded following a pilot error in October. 在与美国军方的一次联合演习中,一艘载有16人的Osprey飞机在起飞时撞击地面,原因是一个开关没有启动以加速发动机产出。 During a joint exercise with the U.S. military, an Osprey carrying 16 people hit the ground on takeoff due to a switch not being activated to boost engine output. 没有报告有人受伤,车队将在安全和培训审查后恢复飞行。 No injuries were reported, and the fleet will resume flights after safety and training reviews. 这起事件重新引发了对V-22奥斯佩雷的安全争议,特别是在冲绳。 This incident has reignited controversy over the safety of the V-22 Osprey, especially in Okinawa.