Macron强调法国的吉布提基地是非洲国家撤军的关键。 Macron underscores France's Djibouti base as key amid troop withdrawals from African nations.
法国总统Emmanuel Macron强调,随着法国从其他非洲国家撤出部队,法国在吉布提的军事基地日益重要。 French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the growing importance of France's military base in Djibouti as the country withdraws troops from other African nations. 该基地有1 500名士兵,对于确保印度-太平洋贸易路线的安全至关重要,可以“重新发明”该基地,以支持法国在非洲的特派团。 The base, with 1,500 soldiers, is crucial for securing Indo-Pacific trade routes and could be "reinvented" to support French missions in Africa. 法国从马里、布基纳法索、尼日尔和乍得撤出,因为这些国家已经终止了与法国的军事合作。 Macron's visit follows France's withdrawal from Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad, as these countries have terminated military cooperation with France.