法国部队将从2025年1月开始从象牙海岸撤出,减少法国在西非的军事存在。 French troops will withdraw from Ivory Coast starting January 2025, reducing France's military presence in West Africa.
象牙海岸总统阿拉萨内·瓦塔拉宣布,法国部队将从2025年1月开始离开该国,标志着法国在西非的军事存在大幅减少。 Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara announced that French troops will leave the country starting in January 2025, marking a significant reduction in France's military presence in West Africa. 这是在塞内加尔、乍得和布基纳法索等其他西非国家提出类似要求之后采取的。 This move follows similar requests from other West African nations, including Senegal, Chad, and Burkina Faso. 法国为恢复其在该区域的影响力,已将其部队兵力从大约2 200人减少到600人,只有吉布提和加蓬仍然驻有法国部队。 France, seeking to revitalize its influence in the region, has reduced its troop presence from around 2,200 to 600, with only Djibouti and Gabon still hosting French forces.