法国开始从乍得撤出其军事部队,包括1 000名士兵和飞机。 France begins withdrawing its military forces from Chad, including 1,000 troops and aircraft.
法国已开始从乍得撤出其军队,从该国撤走两架幻影战斗机。 France has started to withdraw its military forces from Chad, removing two Mirage fighter jets from the country. 这一举动标志着从包括1 000名法国部队在内的军事存在撤出进程开始。 This move marks the beginning of the withdrawal process from its military presence, which includes 1,000 French troops. 两国在国防合作协定结束后撤出。 The withdrawal follows the end of the defense cooperation agreement between the two countries. 乍得当局尚未规定剩余法国部队撤离的时间表。 Chadian authorities have not specified a timeline for the departure of the remaining French forces. 这一行动是法国减少在非洲的军事存在这一更广泛趋势的一部分。 This action is part of a broader trend of France reducing its military presence in Africa.