Tesco驾驶员因帮助弱势客户荣获第一位Worcester保护奖。 Tesco driver honored at first-ever Worcester safeguarding awards for helping vulnerable customer.
沃斯特郡保护成年人委员会于11月举行了首届保护认可奖,以表彰在保护有需要的成年人方面所做的非凡努力. The Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board held its first Safeguarding Recognition Awards in November, honoring exceptional efforts in safeguarding adults in need. Tesco送货司机Jon New因超越支持弱势客户而获得特别承认,强调任何人都能如何在保障方面发挥作用。 Tesco delivery driver Jon New received special recognition for going above and beyond to support a vulnerable customer, highlighting how anyone can play a role in safeguarding. 活动庆祝了致力于促进有护理需要者的福利和安全的各种地方组织和个人的贡献。 The event celebrated the contributions of various local organizations and individuals dedicated to promoting the wellbeing and safety of people with care needs.