Fargo的犯罪率总体下降,但强奸和谋杀增加;警察组建了新的安全小组。 Fargo's crime rate drops overall, but rape and murder increase; police launch new safety team.
Fargo犯罪数据表明,与往年相比,对服务的总体需求以及诸如袭击和入室盗窃等重大犯罪的数量有所下降,尽管强奸和谋杀有所增加。 Fargo crime data shows a decline in overall calls for service and major crimes like assault and burglary compared to previous years, though rape and murder have increased. 市中心,Beat 2,犯罪率明显下降。 Downtown, Beat 2, has seen a significant drop in crimes. 警察部门已成立交通安全小组,自9月以来共停留2 500次以上。 The police department has launched a Traffic Safety Team, making over 2,500 stops since September. Dave Zibolski酋长将提供更详细的数据,讨论城市增长和需要更多军官的问题。 Chief Dave Zibolski will present more detailed data and discuss city growth and the need for more officers.