在苏福尔斯,2023年暴力犯罪率略有下降,降至每千人5.88人,而杀人案从2起增加到8起。 2023 violent crime rate in Sioux Falls, SD decreased slightly to 5.88 per 1,000 people, while homicides increased from 2 to 8.
在SDS苏福尔斯,暴力犯罪率略有下降,目前为每1 000人5.88人,低于2023年的6.21人。 In Sioux Falls, SD, violent crime rates have decreased slightly, with current rates at 5.88 per 1,000 people, down from 6.21 in 2023. 凶杀案从去年的两起增加到今年的八起。 Homicides have increased to eight this year from two last year. 财产犯罪保持稳定,但被盗车辆事件已降至950起,减少了10%。 Property crime remains stable, but stolen vehicle incidents have dropped to 950, a 10% decrease. Paul TenHaken市长保证,尽管存在一些关切,总的犯罪率仍然很低,强调需要有一支配备齐全的警察部队来管理不断增加的服务需求。 Mayor Paul TenHaken assures that, despite some concerns, the overall crime rate is low, emphasizing the need for a fully staffed police force to manage increasing calls for service.