100+ 堪萨斯市居民与当地警察讨论犯罪率上升的问题,特别是偷盗汽车和入室盗窃。 100+ Kansas City residents discuss rising crime rates, particularly stolen auto thefts and break-ins, with local police.
堪萨斯城的沃尔多和布鲁克塞德社区的100多名居民聚集在一起讨论犯罪率的上升以及警方响应时间的担忧. 100+ residents of Kansas City's Waldo and Brookside neighborhoods gathered to discuss rising crime rates and concerns about police response times. 多数人感到过去一两年的犯罪事件有变化,偷盗汽车和入室盗窃是重大问题。 The majority felt a shift in crime incidents over the last year or two, with stolen auto thefts and break-ins being significant issues. 堪萨斯市警察局分享了关于失窃汽车是最高财产犯罪类别的数据。 The Kansas City Police Department shared data on stolen auto being the highest category of property crime. 他们发起了额外的巡逻,并敦促居民继续报告事件,尽管人员配备方面的挑战和起诉制度紧张。 They have initiated extra patrols and urged residents to continue reporting incidents, despite staffing challenges and a prosecution system under strain.