中国海军军舰“和平方舟”抵达斯里兰卡,以提供医疗服务和促进善意。 China's naval hospital ship, Peace Ark, arrived in Sri Lanka to provide medical services and foster goodwill.
中国海军军舰“和平方舟”于12月21日抵达斯里兰卡科伦坡,作为“和谐2024”使命的一部分,进行了七天的访问。 China's naval hospital ship, the Peace Ark, arrived in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on December 21 for a seven-day visit as part of its Mission Harmony-2024. 该船于2008年投入使用,将提供医疗服务,并进行文化和军事交流。 The ship, commissioned in 2008, will provide medical services and conduct cultural and military exchanges. 这次访问标志着“和平方舟”自2017年以来第二次来到斯里兰卡。 This visit marks the second time the Peace Ark has come to Sri Lanka since 2017. 16年来,《和平方舟》访问了50多个国家,向300 000多人提供了医疗服务。 Over 16 years, the Peace Ark has visited over 50 countries and provided medical services to more than 300,000 people.