美国确认将在叙利亚的军队增加一倍, 达到2000人左右, U.S. confirms doubling troops in Syria to around 2,000 amid tensions with Turkey.
美国证实,它在叙利亚的兵力增加了一倍,达到大约2 000名士兵,比先前报告的900名士兵有所增加。 The U.S. has confirmed doubling its troop presence in Syria to about 2,000 soldiers, up from the previously reported 900. 这一确认是在美国部队视察了一个被土耳其炮击的石油设施后作出的。 This acknowledgment came after U.S. troops inspected an oil facility shelled by Turkey. 部队增加与拜登行政当局计划派遣官员前往大马士革就区域安全问题进行谈判是一致的。 The troop increase aligns with the Biden administration's plans to send officials to Damascus for negotiations on regional security issues.