三名詹姆斯敦男子在毒品突袭中被捕;城市探索将商业航班带回来。 Three Jamestown men arrested in drug raid; city explores bringing back commercial flights.
来自詹姆斯敦的三名男子在一次毒品突袭中被捕,并被指控持有毒品和武器。 Three men from Jamestown were arrested in a drug raid, leading to charges of drug and weapons possession. 同时,提出了将商业空运服务返回Chautauqua县机场的计划,建议该地区可以支持飞行。 Meanwhile, a plan for returning commercial air service to the Chautauqua County Airport was presented, suggesting the area could support flights. Jamestown市政厅也为卫生和精神健康部门租赁了空间,该市在Lakeview墓地揭开了第80个历史标记。 Jamestown City Hall has also leased space to the Health and Mental Health departments, and the city unveiled its 80th Historic Marker at Lakeview Cemetery.