布罗克顿致命火灾造成 32 岁男子死亡;女子因用哑铃袭击警察而被捕。 Fatal fire in Brocton kills 32-year-old; woman arrested for attacking police with dumbbell.
Brocton的致命房屋火灾造成32岁的Zane Shattuck死亡,死因不明。 Fatal house fire in Brocton claims life of 32-year-old Zane Shattuck; cause undetermined. Jamestown女人因用哑铃攻击警察而被捕 Jamestown woman arrested for attacking police with dumbbell. 在Cattaraugus县,两名男子因持有非法毒品而被捕。 Two men arrested in Cattaraugus County for possessing illegal drugs. 新州议员安德鲁·莫利托侧重于可负担性和公共安全问题。 New state Assemblyman Andrew Molitor focuses on affordability and public safety. Fredonia的白色旅馆通过现代化升级成功重新开业。 Fredonia's White Inn successfully reopens with modern upgrades. 救世军的食品储藏室从当地募捐会上收到超过20 000美元。 Salvation Army's food pantries receive over $20,000 from a local fundraiser.