警察发现可卡因、枪支和被盗物品后 詹姆斯镇男子因毒品和枪支罪名被捕 Jamestown man arrested for drug and gun charges after cops find cocaine, gun, and stolen items.
23岁的詹姆斯敦男子Nylix J.Thomas在当地警察部门联合搜查发现可卡因、一把上膛手枪和被盗财产后,以毒品和枪支罪名被捕。 A 23-year-old Jamestown man, Nylix J. Thomas, was arrested on drug and gun charges after a joint search by local police departments found cocaine, a loaded handgun, and stolen property. Thomas面临多重指控,关押在Chautauqua县监狱等待传讯。 Thomas faces multiple charges and is held in Chautauqua County Jail pending arraignment. 当局促请社区成员报告任何可疑的活动。 Authorities urge community members to report any suspicious activities.