警方在塞内卡瀑布逮捕了4人,罪名是贩毒、查获可卡因、甲基安非他明和现金。 Police arrested four people in Seneca Falls for drug charges, seizing cocaine, methamphetamine, and cash.
Seneca Falls的警察于12月5日进行了一次突袭,逮捕了4名28-36岁的人,罪名是与拥有和分销可卡因和甲基苯丙胺有关。 Police in Seneca Falls conducted a raid on December 5th, arresting four individuals aged 28-36 on charges related to the possession and distribution of cocaine and methamphetamine. 这次行动涉及地方和国家机构,缴获了毒品、现金和附属物。 The operation, involving local and state agencies, resulted in the seizure of drugs, cash, and paraphernalia. 随着调查的继续进行,预计会收到更多的指控。 Additional charges are expected as the investigation continues. 执法部门赞扬了旨在消除社区非法毒品的协作。 Law enforcement praised the collaboration aimed at removing illegal drugs from the community.