叙利亚新任教育部长承诺取消复兴党的推荐信,维持混合小学,并维护女孩的受教育权利。 Syria's new Education Minister pledges to remove Baath party references, maintain mixed primary schools, and uphold girls' education rights.
叙利亚新任教育部长Nazir Mohammad al-Qadri承诺从学校中删除所有提及前复兴党的内容,但将保持课程不变,维护女孩的教育权。 Syria's new Education Minister, Nazir Mohammad al-Qadri, pledges to remove all references to the former Baath party from schools but will keep the curriculum intact and uphold girls' education rights. 小学将保持男女混合制,而中学教育在很大程度上仍按性别隔离。 Primary schools will stay mixed, while secondary education remains largely segregated by gender. 部长强调,作为受战争蹂躏国家重建工作的一部分,平等对待所有少数民族群体。 The minister emphasizes equal treatment for all minority groups as part of the rebuilding effort in the war-torn country.