爱尔兰Bessbrook的一栋房屋遭到枪击,前门受损;警察寻求公共帮助。 Shots were fired at a house in Bessbrook, Ireland, damaging the front door; police seek public help.
12月19日凌晨,在Co Armagh的Bessbrook发生了一起鲁莽的攻击事件。 当时有人朝房子前门开枪,造成与猎枪袭击相符的破坏。 A reckless attack occurred in Bessbrook, Co Armagh, during the early hours of December 19, when shots were fired at a house's front door, causing damage consistent with a shotgun strike. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 探长James Johnston正在领导警方调查 并且已经呼吁公众援助 尤其是任何闭路电视或门铃摄像头 Detective Sergeant James Johnston is leading the police investigation and has appealed for public assistance, particularly any CCTV or doorbell camera footage. 事发后,当地社区对他们的安全表示关切。 The local community expressed concern over their safety following the incident.