五角大楼警告军队可能会因可能停工而错过假期工资,影响数千人。 Pentagon warns troops may miss holiday pay due to potential shutdown, affecting thousands.
五角大楼警告说,由于共和党人放弃支出计划,政府可能停止运作,可能使部队没有假日工资。 The Pentagon warns that a potential government shutdown, due to Republicans abandoning a spending plan, could leave troops without their holiday paychecks. 尽管没有得到付款,部队仍然需要报到。 Despite not being paid, troops will still be required to report for duty. 这影响到数以千计的联邦账户,军队工资单尤其明显。 This affects thousands of federal accounts, with military payroll being particularly visible. 在以往的停工中,国会保证了部队工资,但并非所有费用都包括在内,例如2019年的海岸警卫队成员,他们一个多月没有领工资。 In previous shutdowns, Congress secured troop pay, but not all were covered, such as Coast Guard members in 2019 who went over a month without pay.