美国空袭杀害了叙利亚的伊斯兰国领导人阿布·尤西夫,这是遏制伊斯兰国活动努力的一部分。 US airstrike kills Islamic State leader Abu Yusif in Syria, part of efforts to curb IS activities.
美国军方在叙利亚进行空袭,杀害了伊斯兰国领导人阿布·尤西夫(又称马哈茂德)和另一名好战分子。 The US military conducted an airstrike in Syria, killing Islamic State leader Abu Yusif (also known as Mahmud) and another militant. 这次行动是在叙利亚政权以前控制的一个地区进行的,是防止伊斯兰国利用叙利亚不稳定局势的持续努力的一部分。 The operation, part of an ongoing effort to prevent IS from exploiting instability in Syria, took place in an area previously controlled by the Syrian regime. 美国目前在叙利亚有大约2 000人的部队,其目的是破坏伊斯兰国的计划,阻止释放库尔德盟友关押的8 000多名伊斯兰国囚犯。 The US now has about 2,000 troops in Syria, aiming to disrupt IS plans and prevent the release of over 8,000 IS prisoners held by Kurdish allies. 此次罢工是在新的反叛者领导的政府不断发生冲突和关注少数群体权利的背景下进行的。 The strike comes amid ongoing conflicts and concerns for minority rights under the new rebel-led government.