一场大火摧毁了弗吉尼亚州布里斯托尔废弃的弗吉尼亚Intermont学院校园的多座建筑。 A large fire destroyed multiple buildings on the abandoned Virginia Intermont College campus in Bristol, Virginia.
星期五初,在弗吉尼亚州布里斯托尔的前弗吉尼亚州Intermont学院校园发生大火,吞没了多个建筑物,并造成一座建筑物倒塌。 A large fire broke out early Friday at the former Virginia Intermont College campus in Bristol, Virginia, engulfing multiple buildings and causing one to collapse. 超过十二个消防部门响应。 Over a dozen fire departments responded. 原因仍不明, 但市议员Neal Osborne批评地产所有者未能维护和保障场地安全, 将事件称为「悲剧」, The cause remains unknown, but City Councilman Neal Osborne criticized the property owners for failing to maintain and secure the site, calling the incident a "tragedy." 校区自2014年以来关闭,尽管城市官员努力鼓励维护,但遭到忽视。 The campus, closed since 2014, had faced neglect despite city officials' efforts to encourage upkeep.