无家可归者使用的燃烧桶引发火灾,烧毁了弗吉尼亚州布里斯托尔一栋空置的前校舍。 A burn barrel used by homeless people started a fire that destroyed a vacant former school building in Bristol, Virginia.
弗吉尼亚州布里斯托尔的一栋前校舍被一场大火烧毁,据信火灾是由无家可归者在大楼内取暖时使用的燃烧桶引发的。 A former school building in Bristol, Virginia was destroyed by a fire that is believed to have been started by a burn barrel used by homeless individuals trying to stay warm inside the building. 消防队长埃里克·布莱文斯 (Eric Blevins) 表示,这座位于橡树街的建筑多年来一直空置,没有通电,这使得燃烧桶成为火灾的主要原因。 The building, located on Oak Street, had been vacant for years without electrical power connected to it, making the burn barrel the leading cause of the fire, according to Fire Marshal Eric Blevins. 在调查现场时,消防局官员报告了目击者称建筑物内使用了燃烧桶。 While investigating the scene, Fire Department officials reported witness accounts of a burn barrel being used inside the building.