西弗吉尼亚大学研究农场的火灾造成100万美元损坏;没有动物或人受伤。 Fire at West Virginia University's research farm causes $1M damage; no animals or people hurt.
西弗吉尼亚大学J. W. 发生火灾 A fire broke out at West Virginia University's J.W. 12月13日的Ruby Research Farm, 造成约100万美元的破坏。 Ruby Research Farm on December 13, causing about $1 million in damage. 火灾始于停在马谷仓外摊的一块设备中,火势蔓延,但没有伤害任何牲畜或人。 The fire started in a piece of equipment parked in an exterior stall of the horse barn and spread but did not harm any livestock or people. 州火警调查员确定火灾是意外的。 State Fire Marshal investigators determined the fire was accidental. 大学计划重建并暂时重新安置这些动物。 The university plans to rebuild and has relocated the animals temporarily.