从意大利归还了56件丢失的中国文物,帮助恢复了遗产。 Fifty-six lost Chinese cultural artifacts have been returned from Italy, aiding heritage recovery.
根据中国国家文化遗产管理局的资料,56件丢失的中国文物已从意大利归还。 Fifty-six lost Chinese cultural artifacts have been returned from Italy, according to China's National Cultural Heritage Administration. 这是中国和意大利在2019年3月遣返796件文物后为打击非法文物贸易而持续合作的一部分。 This return is part of ongoing cooperation between China and Italy to combat the illegal trade of cultural relics, following the repatriation of 796 artifacts in March 2019. 归还的物品约5 000年以上,包括中国各王朝的雕像和陶瓷,突出显示了中国为收复失去的文化遗产所作的努力。 The returned items, some over 5,000 years old, include figurines and ceramics from various Chinese dynasties, highlighting China's efforts to recover lost cultural heritage.