圭亚那环保局面临在ExxonMbil的石油许可证中撒谎和遗漏细节的指控,这引起了透明度问题。 EPA in Guyana faces accusations of lying and omitting details in ExxonMobil's oil permits, raising transparency concerns.
圭亚那环境保护局(EPA)被指控在石油许可证中撒谎和省略关键细节,特别是关于ExxonMbil的母公司担保。 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Guyana is accused of lying and omitting key details in oil permits, specifically regarding ExxonMobil's Parent Company Guarantee. 批评者称,EPA错误地说,圭亚那不能因漏油而扣押资产,这与全面覆盖的法律要求相矛盾。 Critics claim the EPA incorrectly stated Guyana cannot seize assets for an oil spill, contradicting legal requirements for full coverage. 前环保局局长文森特·亚当斯博士还指控该机构省略了关键的许可语言,暗示环保局在向埃克森美孚公司发放必要财政担保的同时,扣留了必要的财政担保。 Former EPA Director Dr. Vincent Adams also accuses the agency of omitting crucial permit language, suggesting the EPA is withholding necessary financial guarantees while granting them to ExxonMobil. 争议凸显了对该机构透明度和治理的担忧。 The controversy highlights concerns over the agency's transparency and governance.