尽管没有明确的过错证据,但老人在圣诞节坠落导致脑损伤后以 600,000 欧元和解。 Elderly man settles for €600,000 after Christmas fall causes brain injury, despite no clear evidence of fault.
一位81岁的金融顾问Anthony O'Riordan在2012年圣诞节在其姐姐家中摔倒后脑部严重受伤后,解决了一个60万欧元的高等法院案件。 An 81-year-old financial consultant, Anthony O'Riordan, settled a High Court case for €600,000 after suffering a severe brain injury from a fall at his sister's house on Christmas Day 2012. O'Riordan声称车道不安全,但专家发现车道状况良好。 O'Riordan claimed the driveway was unsafe, but experts found it to be in good condition. 尽管缺乏关于O'Riordan如何倒台的证据,但法官批准了和解,称和解是公平和合理的。 The judge approved the settlement, stating it was fair and reasonable, despite the lack of evidence on how O'Riordan fell.