10岁的zorb球安全带失灵导致据称脑损伤,妇女在法庭上赢得100万欧元。 Woman wins €1 million in court over alleged brain injury from failed zorb ball safety harness at age 10.
一名22岁的妇女解决了一个高等法院100万欧元的案件,声称她在10岁时因安全装置故障而脑部受伤,当时她正在夏令营打球。 A 22-year-old woman settled a High Court case for €1 million, claiming she suffered a brain injury at age 10 from a failed safety harness while zorb balling at a summer camp. 公司,我们走! The company, Let's Go! 暑期学校有限公司否认她的指控,并坚持认为这一事件正常。 Summer Schools Ltd, denied her allegations and insisted the incident was normal. 尽管没有确凿证据证明她的状况与Zorb球赛有关,但法官还是批准了和解,因为诉讼风险很高。 Despite no definitive proof linking her condition to the zorb balling, the judge approved the settlement due to the high litigation risk.