无国界医生组织向尼日利亚运送救护车,以减少农村地区高产妇死亡率。 Doctors Without Borders delivers ambulances to Nigeria to reduce high maternal mortality in rural areas.
尼日利亚妇女面临很高的孕产妇死亡率,每小时有120人因交通问题和家庭在分娩时缺乏决定权等问题而死亡。 Nigerian women face high maternal mortality rates, with 120 dying every hour due to issues like transportation and family indecision during childbirth. 博尔诺州已经从无国界医生组织得到了两辆三轮救护车,以帮助将农村地区妇女运送到医院。 Borno State has received two tricycle ambulances from Doctors Without Borders to help transport women in rural areas to hospitals. 尽管尼日利亚经济强劲,但在全球孕产妇死亡人数中,尼日利亚位居第三位,仅次于印度和中国。 Nigeria ranks third globally in maternal deaths, behind India and China, despite having a strong economy. 州卫生专员Baba Mallam教授强调,农村地区需要更好的医疗保健服务和质量。 The state's health commissioner, Prof. Baba Mallam, highlighted the need for better healthcare access and quality in rural areas.