新世界超市揭示了新西兰地区圣诞购物趋势, 并为最后一刻的购物者推出售货机。 New World supermarkets reveal regional Christmas shopping trends in NZ and launch vending machines for last-minute shoppers.
新西兰的新世界超市发布了数据,显示了区域平安夜购物趋势,其中惠灵顿购买的胡萝卜最多,霍克斯湾购买最多的海绵小点心和奶油冻,旺格雷购买全羊腿最多。 New World supermarkets in New Zealand have released data showing regional Christmas Eve shopping trends, with Wellington buying the most carrots, Hawke's Bay the most sponge trifle and custard, and Whangarei the most whole lamb legs. 为了帮助最后一刻的购物者,超市正在奥克兰、惠灵顿和克赖斯特彻奇启动圣诞求救自动售货机,其收益将流向当地城市代表团。 To aid last-minute shoppers, the supermarkets are launching Christmas SOS vending machines in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, with proceeds going to local City Missions.