新西兰黑色星期五周末的交易量更多,但支出与去年相同,共计175.6亿美元。 New Zealand's Black Friday weekend had more transactions but the same spending as last year, totaling $175.6M.
新西兰黑色星期五周末的交易额增加了17%,但总支出与前一年相比没有变化,核心零售商的总开支为1.756亿美元。 New Zealand's Black Friday weekend saw a 17% increase in transactions but no change in total spending compared to the previous year, totaling $175.6 million at core retailers. 平均交易价值下降了2.8%,这凸显了消费者的紧凑预算。 The average transaction value dropped by 2.8%, highlighting consumers' tight budgets. 各区域的支出不尽相同,Gisborne和Taranaki的支出显著增加,而奥克兰/北兰和丰裕湾的支出则下降。 Spending varied across regions, with Gisborne and Taranaki seeing significant increases, while Auckland/Northland and Bay of Plenty experienced declines. 招待业的支出增加了0.4%。 The hospitality sector saw a 0.4% increase in spending.