新西兰塔拉纳基(Taranaki)的学生兴趣上升17%, 但当地公司却很少利用这才华。 Taranaki, New Zealand, sees student interest surge by 17%, yet few local firms capitalize on the talent.
新西兰的Taranaki由于工业多样化和生活质量高,吸引了更多的学生和毕业生。 Taranaki, New Zealand, is attracting more students and graduates due to its diverse industries and high quality of life. 去年,学生的兴趣增长了17%,有543名学生寻求实习或角色。 Last year, student interest grew by 17%, with 543 students seeking internships or roles. 然而,只有两家当地企业在技术暑期平台上注册。 However, only two local businesses are registered on the Summer of Tech platform. Hiringa Energy等公司受益于实习生方案,凸显了企业与青年人才接触以促进增长和创新的潜力。 Companies like Hiringa Energy have benefited from intern programs, highlighting the potential for businesses to engage with young talent for growth and innovation.