新西兰派遣28名青年到亚洲实习,为期3个月,以建立商业和文化联系。 New Zealand sends 28 youth to intern in Asia for up to three months to build business and cultural ties.
亚洲新西兰基金会将派出28名年轻的新西兰人到中国、印度和新加坡等亚洲主要市场参加有声望的实习,为期三个月。 The Asia New Zealand Foundation is sending 28 young New Zealanders to prestigious internships across key Asian markets like China, India, and Singapore for up to three months. 这些实习旨在让实习生掌握宝贵的商业经验和文化理解,加强新西兰和亚洲之间的联系。 These internships aim to equip the interns with valuable business experience and cultural understanding, fostering stronger ties between New Zealand and Asia. 该方案自2009年开始运行,扩大了伙伴关系,以适应亚洲不断演变的市场。 The program, running since 2009, expands its partnerships to adapt to Asia's evolving markets.