坎特伯雷大学和数据研究所启动了数据科学、AI、网络安全和软件工程方面的兼职技能课程,以解决新西兰技术人才短缺的问题。 University of Canterbury and Institute of Data launch part-time skills programs in data science, AI, cybersecurity, and software engineering, addressing NZ's tech talent shortage.
坎特伯雷大学和数据研究所正在从10月15日开始,在数据科学、AI、网络安全和软件工程方面启动三个非全时工业技能课程。 The University of Canterbury and the Institute of Data are launching three part-time industry skills programs in data science, AI, cyber security, and software engineering, starting October 15. 为解决新西兰技术人才短缺问题,这些为期六个月的课程提供实际培训和职业辅导,直至职位安排。 Aimed at addressing New Zealand's tech talent shortages, these six-month courses offer practical training and career coaching until job placement. 它们是为中级专业人员设计的,满足这些关键领域对熟练工人的行业需求。 Designed for mid-career professionals, they respond to industry demands for skilled workers in these critical fields.