2名英国男子在瑞典马尔默被烧的汽车中被发现死亡,涉嫌因协助/杀害他们而被捕;调查仍在进行。 2 British men found dead in burnt car in Malmo, Sweden, suspect arrested on probable cause of aiding/abetting their murder; investigation ongoing.
两名英国男子Juan Cifuentes和Farooq Abdulrazak在7月出差期间失踪,在瑞典马尔默被发现在一辆烧毁的汽车中死亡。 Two British men, Juan Cifuentes and Farooq Abdulrazak, were found dead in a burnt-out car in Malmo, Sweden after going missing during a business trip in July. 瑞典警方逮捕了一名涉嫌协助和教唆谋杀的嫌疑人。 Swedish police have arrested a suspect on probable cause of aiding and abetting their murder. 受害者家属称他们是虔诚的穆斯林,他们的社区的支柱,以及慈爱的父亲、儿子、兄弟和朋友。 The victims' families describe them as devout Muslims, pillars of their communities, and loving fathers, sons, brothers, and friends. 瑞典检察官确认在烧毁的汽车中发现了遗体,嫌疑人目前正在接受审讯。 Swedish prosecutors confirmed the identification of the remains in the burnt-out car, and the suspect is currently under interrogation. 杀戮的性质导致人们猜测,这可能是与帮派有关的谋杀,瑞典和联合王国正在进行调查。 The nature of the killings has led to speculation that it may have been a gang-related murder, and investigations are ongoing in Sweden and the UK.