萨斯喀彻温省牛对牛的肺结核进行阳性检测,导致畜群检疫和调查。 Saskatchewan cow tests positive for bovine tuberculosis, leading to herd quarantine and investigation.
萨斯喀彻温的一头牛已经检测出牛肺病呈阳性,导致加拿大食品检查署对牛群进行检疫并展开调查。 A cow in Saskatchewan has tested positive for bovine tuberculosis, leading the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to quarantine the herd and launch an investigation. 感染的牛是在艾伯塔的一个屠宰场里被宰杀的。 The infected cow was slaughtered in an Alberta abattoir. 虽然牛肺病很少见,而且对公众构成低风险,但CFIA正在对牛群进行测试,并在必要时进行消灭计划。 Though bovine tuberculosis is rare and poses a low risk to the public, the CFIA is testing the herd and planning eradication if necessary. 调查可能持续长达12周。 The investigation could last up to 12 weeks.