在康沃尔州进行的12个农场的牛疫苗接种试验, 牛的结核病阳性率从16%降至0%. 12-farm badger vaccination trial in Cornwall reduced cattle TB positivity from 16% to 0%.
科恩沃尔州农民进行的为期四年的牛疫苗接种试验已经证明大规模疫苗接种对抗牛结核病的潜力. A four-year badger vaccination trial led by farmers in Cornwall has demonstrated the potential of large-scale vaccination in combating bovine TB. 计划涉及12个农场, 显示对进行疫苗接种, 牛的结核病阳性检测比例从试验开始时的16%降至试验结束时的0%. The scheme, involving 12 farms, showed that administering vaccinations to badgers reduced the proportion of cattle testing positive for TB from 16% at the start to 0% by the end of the trial. 该研究的作者包括科学家、环保主义者和农民,他们呼吁对獾疫苗接种对牛疾病发病率的影响进行更大规模的评估,并敦促政府支持对社区主导的獾试验的进一步评估。 The authors of the study, which included scientists, conservationists, and farmers, are calling for larger-scale assessments of the impact of badger vaccination on disease rates in cattle and are urging the government to support further evaluations of community-led badger trials.