居民死于拉努伊Swanson路神秘房屋火灾,原因正在调查之中。 Resident dies in mysterious house fire on Swanson Road in Ranui; cause under investigation.
在斯旺森路的拉努伊发生了一起房屋火灾,造成一名居民死亡。 A house fire in Ranui on Swanson Road led to the death of a resident. 紧急服务机构对5点左右的火灾作出了反应,但发现此人已经死亡。 Emergency services responded to the fire reported around 5am but found the person already deceased. 造成火灾的原因目前无法解释,当局正在调查现场。 The cause of the fire is currently unexplained, and authorities are investigating the scene.