超过500万英国人可能因食物过敏而跳过圣诞晚餐, Over 5 million Brits may skip Christmas dinner due to food allergies, prompting hosts to adapt menus.
超过500万英国人可能会因食物过敏和不宽容而错过圣诞节晚餐。 A YouGov study for Genius Foods shows that over 5 million Brits might miss Christmas dinner due to food allergies and intolerances. 为缓解焦虑和确保将每个人包括在内,建议东道主事先询问客人的饮食需要,相应规划菜单,并保持配料标签无障碍。 To ease anxiety and ensure everyone is included, hosts are advised to ask about guests' dietary needs beforehand, plan menus accordingly, and keep ingredient labels accessible. 包括诸如烤肉和水果甜点等对过敏友好的选择,可有助于满足这些需要。 Including allergy-friendly options like roasted meats and fruit desserts can help accommodate these needs.