纽约州长Hoghul因计划将残疾护理员方案外包给格鲁吉亚公司而遭到强烈反对。 New York Governor Hochul faces backlash over plan to outsource disability caregiver program to Georgia firm.
纽约州州长Kathy Hoghul在计划从2025年4月开始将消费者直接个人援助方案过渡到设在格鲁吉亚的PPL公司时遭到公众批评。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul faced public criticism over plans to transition the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) to Georgia-based firm PPL starting April 2025. 《残疾人权利公约》允许残疾人雇用个人护理人员。 CDPAP allows individuals with disabilities to hire personal caregivers. 批评者认为,这种改变会扰乱服务和损害接受者,而Hoghul则声称其目的是防止欺诈和确保财政可持续性。 Critics argue the change could disrupt services and harm recipients, while Hochul claims it aims to prevent fraud and ensure financial sustainability. 一场以纽约人情感证词为特色的反对运动敦促 Hochul 重新考虑,并列举了 PPL 过去在其他州的失败。 An opposition campaign featuring emotional testimonials from New Yorkers urges Hochul to reconsider, citing PPL's past failures in other states.