纽约的CDPAP计划的过渡面临着批评, 因为28万名参与者在4月1日的最后期限内注册. New York's transition of its CDPAP program faces criticism over a tight April 1 enrollment deadline for 280,000 participants.
纽约的消费者直接个人援助方案(CDPAP)向单一财政中介机构公共伙伴关系有限责任公司(PPL)的过渡,由于对4月1日入学截止日期的关切,正面临批评。 New York's transition of its Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) to a single fiscal intermediary, Public Partnerships LLC (PPL), is facing criticism due to concerns over the April 1 enrollment deadline. 该州从数百家私人保险公司转向 PPL 旨在简化流程,但对按时注册 280,000 名参与者的能力提出了警告。 The state's move from hundreds of private insurers to PPL aims to streamline processes but has raised alarms about the ability to enroll 280,000 participants on time. 截至1月31日,只有22 000人被完全录取,批评者主张延长最后期限,并对护理工作可能受到干扰表示担忧。 As of January 31, only 22,000 have been fully enrolled, with critics arguing for a deadline extension and expressing worries about potential disruptions in care.