日本的贸易赤字在11月缩减, 但公司担心特朗普的政策可能会损害他们的生意。 Japan's trade deficit shrank in November, but firms worry Trump's policies could harm their business.
日本的出口在11月逐年增长3.8%,超过了预期值,进口下降3.8%,导致贸易赤字减少1.176亿日元(7.6617亿美元)。 Japan's exports rose by 3.8% year-over-year in November, exceeding expectations, while imports fell by 3.8%, leading to a smaller trade deficit of ¥117.6 billion ($766.17 million). 尽管经济有所改善,但对于特朗普总统的贸易政策可能损害日本企业,人们仍然感到关切。 70%的公司预期会受到负面影响。 Despite the economic improvement, concerns remain about President Trump's trade policies potentially harming Japanese businesses, with 70% of companies expecting a negative impact. 日本银行可能维持稳定的利率以监测海外风险。 The Bank of Japan might maintain steady interest rates to monitor overseas risks.