日本启动空间一号中止第二次火箭发射尝试,未能将卫星送入轨道。 Japanese startup Space One aborts second rocket launch attempt, failing to put satellite into orbit.
日本启动空间一号中止了发射卫星运载火箭Kairos No号的第二次尝试。 Japanese startup Space One aborted its second attempt to launch a satellite-carrying rocket, the Kairos No. 2分钟后于12月18日从Wakayama省的发射场起飞。 2, just minutes after liftoff on December 18 from a launch site in Wakayama prefecture. 这是在他们的第一次发射在一次爆炸中结束九个月后发生的。 This comes nine months after their first launch ended in an explosion. 空间一号的目标是成为日本第一个将卫星送入轨道的私营公司,并计划提供比政府每年六次发射更加频繁和负担得起的空间运输服务。 Space One aims to be Japan's first private company to put a satellite into orbit and plans to offer more frequent and affordable space transport services compared to the government's six annual launches. 启动于2018年与日本主要投资者共同创立,以前曾解决过火箭第一阶段推进的问题。 Founded in 2018 with major Japanese investors, the startup had previously addressed issues with the rocket's first-stage propulsion.