都柏林大规模打击毒品和机动车犯罪行动中逮捕了 7 名嫌疑人,缴获了 31 辆汽车以及毒品和武器。 7 men arrested, 31 vehicles, drugs, weapons seized in major Dublin drugs and motor crime crackdown.
在都柏林举行的一次打击毒品和机动车犯罪的大规模行动中,爱尔兰警察逮捕了 7 名男子并缴获了 31 辆汽车以及毒品、武器和现金。 Gardaí arrested seven men and seized 31 vehicles, drugs, weapons and cash in a major crackdown on drugs and motor crime in Dublin. 此次行动涉及 K 区的 50 名警察,目标是布兰查兹敦 (Blanchardstown)、芬格拉斯 (Finglas) 和卡布拉 (Cabra) 等地区。 The operation involved 50 gardaí from the K District, targeting areas including Blanchardstown, Finglas, and Cabra. 行动当天,警方共进行了 44 次搜查,并针对各种道路交通违法行为发出了 20 份定额罚款通知书。 As part of the day of action, 44 searches were conducted and 20 fixed charge penalty notices were issued for various road traffic offences.