爱尔兰警方在一次广泛的行动中从都柏林犯罪团伙没收了豪华轿车、现金和大麻。 Irish police seized luxury cars, cash, and cannabis from a Dublin crime gang in a broad operation.
在一次重大行动中,刑事资产局 (CAB) 从与阿尔巴尼亚罪犯有关联的都柏林犯罪团伙那里查获了 23 辆豪华汽车、400,000 欧元现金和大麻。 In a major operation, the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) seized 23 luxury vehicles, €400,000 in cash, and cannabis from a Dublin-based crime gang linked to Albanian criminals. 这次行动涉及130名执法人员搜查14个地点。 The operation involved 130 law enforcement officers searching 14 locations. 没有逮捕任何人,但几个银行账户被冻结。 No arrests were made, but several bank accounts were frozen. 这标志着反腐败局正在对毒品贩运犯罪收益进行调查方面迈出的重要一步。 This marks a significant step in CAB's ongoing investigation into the proceeds of crime from drug trafficking.