移徙组织强调需要做好处理全球流离失所问题的准备,目标是到2025年援助3.05亿人。 IOM highlights need for preparedness to handle global displacement, aiming to aid 305 million by 2025.
国际移徙组织(移徙组织)强调在应对气候变化、冲突和灾害造成的全球流离失所问题时的准备和复原力。 The International Organization for Migration (IOM) emphasizes preparedness and resilience in tackling global displacement caused by climate change, conflicts, and disasters. 预计到2025年将有3.05亿人需要人道主义援助,因此,移徙组织注重预警系统、风险模型建设、加强社区和政府处理与气候有关的危机的能力。 With predictions of 305 million people needing humanitarian aid by 2025, IOM focuses on early warning systems, risk modeling, and strengthening community and government capacities to handle climate-related crises. 在刚果民主共和国,移徙组织向流离失所人口提供紧急住所、保健服务和精神保健支助,利用数据为其战略提供信息,并与地方当局和非政府组织协作。 In the Democratic Republic of Congo, IOM provides emergency shelter, health services, and mental health support to displaced populations, using data to inform their strategies and collaborate with local authorities and NGOs.