研究发现,60%的境内流离失所者宁愿留在原住地,而不愿返回家园。 Sixty percent of internally displaced people prefer staying where they are over returning home, study finds.
国际移徙组织和乔治敦大学的一份新报告显示,根据对12个国家的调查,60%的境内流离失所者宁愿留在原地,而不是返回家园。 A new report by the International Organization for Migration and Georgetown University shows that 60% of internally displaced people prefer staying where they are rather than returning home, based on surveys across 12 countries. 安全和经济机会是他们作出决定的关键因素,超过五年的流离失所者中有96%想留下来。 Safety and economic opportunities are key factors in their decisions, with 96% of those displaced for over five years wanting to stay. 这项研究旨在指导人道主义工作,以更好地支助流离失所者。 This research aims to guide humanitarian efforts to better support displaced individuals.