第10次拍卖中吸引了67个印度煤矿的44个投标,支持“Atmanirbhar Bharat”倡议。 44 bids attracted for 67 Indian coal mines in the 10th auction, supporting 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' initiative.
印度第十轮商业煤矿拍卖吸引了67个矿山的44个投标, India's 10th round of commercial coal mine auctions attracted 44 bids for 67 mines, reflecting strong interest in the coal sector. 这场拍卖从6月21日持续到10月18日, 与政府的“Atmanirbhar Bharat”倡议是一致的, The auction, which ran from June 21 to October 18, aligns with the government's 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' initiative, promoting energy self-reliance. 中小型参与者的参与表明采取了包容性的市场办法,加强煤炭生产和支持能源安全,同时减少对进口的依赖。 Participation from small and medium players indicates an inclusive market approach, enhancing coal production and supporting energy security while reducing dependence on imports.